V-Ray Features |
The V-Ray rendering system has many advanced features; here only some of them are listed. For a full list of all V-Ray modules and options, please see the help index. Note that all features are subject to change without special notice.
- Multi-platform object-oriented API
- Fully multithreaded core
- Unified sampling system based on Schlick sampling
- Distributed rendering
- Efficient shading system specifically optimized for ray-tracing
- Modular architecture - many components of the system can be replaced with custom ones
- Efficient geometry handling
- True instance rendering
- On-demand dynamic geometry creation
- On-demand geometry loading from disk files
- Displacement mapping
- Catmull-Clark and Loop subdivision surfaces
- Extensible with custom geometric primitives through the V-Ray SDK
- Three different image sampling methods
- Full-scene antialiasing
- Progressive path tracing
- Support for additional render elements (diffuse, reflection, GI etc)
- Advanced color (tone) mapping controls
- Extensible with custom image samplers through the V-Ray SDK
- Physically accurate full global illumination solutions
- Different GI algorithms: path tracing, irradiance cache, photon maps, light cache
- Reusable GI solutions for accelerated rendering of walk-through animations and animations with dynamic objects
- Physically accurate area lights
- Efficient illumination from HDR environments
- Procedural sun & sky models
- Extensible with custom lights through the V-Ray SDK
- Physically plausible materials
- Blurry reflections/refractions
- Accurate hilights
- Sub-surface scattering
- Support for efficient material layering
- Extensible with custom shaders through the V-Ray SDK
- Depth-of-field with bokeh effects
- Accurate motion blur
- Physical camera model
- Extensible with custom cameras through the V-Ray SDK
- Toon effect
- Fur generator/raytracer
- Extended matte/shadow capabilities
- Support for Render-to-Texture mode of 3ds Max
- VRaySphereFade to isolate only specific portions of the scene for compositing
- V-Ray specific frame buffer with integrated color corrections and display of multiple rendering elements
- Direct rendering to disk for extremely large images, either as OpenEXR files or as .vrimg files